& Associates


Loring, Sternberg & Associates, a national firm based in the heartland with offices in Florida, too. This team helps clients with major gift fundraising, board engagement in fundraising, and more.  Their focus is to "increase the efficiency, effectiveness and fundraising capacity of nonprofit organizations."

Rich Metter, a designer who reads what he is working on and makes every project better. I've worked with Rich since 2001 on a range of projects. 

Gabrielle Robbins, a doctoral student at MIT in anthropology. She works for me often on qualitative data analysis (e.g. coding text from interviews to find themes).

Kara Roberts, a photographer, writer, and defender of the English language who helps me write and edit across a number of projects.

Chamberlin-Dunn, an analysis and strategy firm that assists me with their comprehensive statistical analysis services.

Sean S. Taylor, a digital marketer specializing in helping small brands and nonprofits build effective marketing strategies.